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Events Happening at the Guntersville Museum

Thursday Date Night with the Hollywood Exhibit

There is just something mysterious about the golden age of Hollywood and the glamourous
men and women from decades past that graced movie screens and entertained the world. If
this time period in American movie history fascinates you, then make sure you take advantage
of Guntersville Museum’s exhibition featuring the photography of Bob Willoughby.
Willoughby’s camera lens captured some of Hollywood’s most famous faces and the traveling
exhibit, which will be on display at Gunterville Museum through August 11, features 17 iconic
Hollywood films including Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, Alfred Hitchcock on the set of
Marnie, Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby and Marilyn Monroe in Let’s Make Love.
The perfect date night of dinner and a museum awaits! Just drop in for the free showing and a
complimentary glass of wine during traditional Happy Hour on Thursday, Aug. 8th and then
venture a block down to The Rock House Eatery for a meal that will be a few dollars cheaper
than average, for those who visit the museum first.
Don’t forget to make a reservation for dinner through The Rock House. The museum will remain open from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. for this special date night.

Sunday Afternoon Movie Screening of “Wild River”

Hollywood has captured our hearts and our minds through the years with their movies about struggling families, love and betrayal, and the humor of life. Montgomery Clift, one of the many great faces of the screen, stars in a movie called “Wild River” a tale that will seem oddly familiar to many in this region. The movie’s storyline involves a family unwilling to give up their land to Clift, who works for the Tennessee Valley Authority, and has been put in charge of clearing the land for flooding. As the story unfolds, those living in the Tennessee Valley and Guntersville area will definitely see some similarities to what happened here so many years ago with the building of Guntersville Dam.

Join the museum in a special screening of “Wild River” on Sunday, Sept. 15th. Enjoy the show,
some movie snacks and then a conversation following that will shed light on the similarities and
differences in the movie and the true story of how Guntersville Reservoir was formed. For more
information about the movie screening or date night at the museum, visit our events page here!